Campaigns Email List Save Niles Library

[EMAIL] July 20 Action Plan to Save Niles Library

Hi Neighbor,

We have a small Niles Coalition update with an important #SaveNilesLibrary plan to join. Check it out!

Niles Coalition

We have a new logo! Notice anything familiar? πŸ‘€

#SaveNilesLibrary Campaign

Our Niles Coalition #SaveNilesLibrary campaign is growing thanks to supporters like you! We have a number of opportunities available for you.

The next meeting of the library Board of Trustees is a really important one. On July 20th, they will hear public comments on the budget they proposed, which makes sweeping cuts to hours, staff, materials, and services. We want them to hear from as many different people as possible, so we need to get the word out.

Here’s the action plan list, how many can you check off?  βœ…

☐ Sign the petition to support the Niles-Maine District Library

☐ Sign up for a yard sign

☐ Sign up to pass out 25 flyers in your neighborhood or at a local event

☐ RSVP for the rally on the 20th

☐ Like and share our #SaveNilesLibrary Facebook page

☐ Like and share our Niles Coalition Facebook page

☐ Follow and share our Instagram account

☐ Follow and share our Twitter account

☐ Share our website:

☐ Talk to your friends, family, & neighbors

Thanks! Let’s get the community out on July 20th to Save Niles Library!